The dredge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2001. It has sat in place since then, typifying the sometimes hard-luck small-time mining operations of the area. The economics associated with the cost of its construction and shipment, as compared to the price of gold, worked against Johnson, who only operated it for a single season before it was seized by a local bank. The dredge was built in San Francisco, California, shipped to Nome, and placed in operation in 1946 by Walter Johnson. Its metal frame bow gantry extends about 5 feet (1.5 m), and has a digging ladder 40 feet (12 m) long. It has a barge-like hull with a mostly single-story superstructure, and measures about 60 by 30 feet (18.3 m × 9.1 m), with a draft of 6 feet (1.8 m). The dredge stands in a pond about 200 feet (61 m) north of the highway in a small pond. Also known as the Johnson-Pohl Dredge, this one is located at about mile marker 1 of the Nome-Council Highway just inside the city limits. For most of his tenure on the show, he serves as an adversary to Shawn Pomrenke. Historically, mining gold from alluvial deposits used manual separation processes, such as gold panning. A couple uses a dredge mine to search for gold on the.

World gold production was 3,612 tons in 2022. New Law: No More Than 850 Gold-Mining Dredges Allowed in Oregons Rivers. He is relentless in his pursuit of gold and stops at nothing. Gold mining is the extraction of gold by mining. The Swanberg Dredge is one of several gold mining dredges that dot the landscape near Nome, Alaska. The episode introduces the strong-headed miner and lifelong treasure hunter along with his massive 120 feet, 600-ton dredge, Myrtle Irene.